chiropractor adjusting neck

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment method to help alleviate pain and discomfort. With various treatments and therapies, a chiropractor can work with you to find the best solution for your needs. From spinal manipulations and adjustments to massage therapy and lifestyle modifications, our experienced Gainesville chiropractor can create a customized plan addressing the root cause of your pain to provide long-term relief. For more information on chiropractic adjustments and how chiropractic care could help you, contact us to schedule an appointment with our trusted chiropractor in Gainesville, FL, Dr. Charles Tucker!


Through spinal adjustments, we can realign the spine to relieve pressure on nerves and muscles to help address the root cause of headaches. At the same time, lifestyle modifications can provide tips and strategies for reducing stress, managing fatigue, and getting enough quality rest.

Back Pain

Back pain can impact your whole-body range of motion and ability to complete ordinary tasks. Chiropractic care can significantly improve spinal cord and muscle-related conditions that cause back pain. Manual adjustments improve range of motion and reduce inflammation.

Neck Pain

Often, people experience neck pain from the natural curve of the neck straightening. Chiropractic adjustments work to decompress and align the spine with relieving pain. Neck adjustments can also positively impact head and shoulder discomfort.


The sciatic nerve runs down your leg from your lower back. Sciatica pain is generally caused by spinal cord issues such as a herniated disk or misalignment pressing on the nerve. Chiropractic adjustments can target this area to relieve pressure and pinching on the sciatic nerve.

TMJ Disorder

Chiropractic care can be a valuable treatment option for TMJ disorder patients. With precise adjustments to the jaw, neck, and shoulders, chiropractors can relieve pain caused by inflammation and misalignment of the TMJ while promoting long-term health.