woman with insomnia

Good sleep and good sleep hygiene promote high health. As one of the central pillars of health, sleep is a fundamental component of our health and well-being. Humans spend a significant amount of time in their lives sleeping, and the quality of their sleep affects all aspects of their health. Despite the significance of sleep, many people struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, and various sleep disorders. In fact, up to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, while a third of people fail to get a healthy amount of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Many people with sleep problems rely on sleep aids and prescription medications for getting rest, yet they have significant side effects, and some people may not be able to take them. Treatments from our chiropractor in Gainesville, FL, are a natural, drug-free, holistic way to improve your slumber for better sleep quality and greater health and wellness. Boost your sleep and supercharge your health with Tucker Chiropractic! Call our Gainesville chiropractic center today to learn about the chiropractic conditions we treat and to book an appointment!

Reduces Pain & Discomfort

Identifying the relationship between sleep and pain is complicated, as discomfort and pain cause poor sleep, which reduces the body’s pain threshold, thus causing more pain and discomfort. Individuals suffering from chronic neck pain, back pain, or joint pain, for example, often experience difficulties with sleep. High-quality sleep requires some degree of comfort, and chronic pain and discomfort negatively affect the ability to fall and remain asleep. Fortunately, however, our Gainesville chiropractor can improve your sleep quality, reduce your pain and discomfort, and help your body heal from within.

Treats Sleep Disorders

Everyone has experienced trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at some point in their lives. Yet, for people suffering from sleep disorders like insomnia, problems falling asleep and/or remaining asleep throughout each sleep cycle for consecutive hours can occur frequently and consistently, placing their health and well-being at risk and a substantial burden on their daily lives. Chiropractic treatment is a drug-free, holistic approach to combatting sleep disorders through the identification of the root issue causing the sleep disorder and subsequently correcting the problem. This yields longer, higher-quality sleep with little disruption.

Boosts Relaxation

Many of us, whether we sit behind a desk all day for work or are constantly on our feet, hold a significant amount of tension in our bodies. In many cases of sleep disturbance, this stress and tension seeps throughout our bodies and prevents us from falling or staying asleep. Through chiropractic treatment, we use specific regimens to alleviate tension from the inside out, which boosts blood flow, corrects alignment issues, and enables the muscles to release tension and relax, in turn making it easier for you to fall and stay asleep. Chiropractic can also train your body to naturally use your energy more efficiently, so your body is easier to relax at the end of each day.

Regulates The Sleep Cycle

Your circadian rhythm is responsible for many bodily functions and behaviors, including your sleep-wake cycle. The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by the nervous system. When your spine falls out of proper alignment, this issue can affect your body’s ability to regulate the circadian rhythm of sleep, which results in disturbances to your sleep or even the ability to fall asleep. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulation restore the natural function and efficiency of the nervous system, helping your body naturally regulate its sleep-wake cycle and improving your overall quality of sleep and health.

Improves Health & Wellness

While chiropractic care is commonly heralded for its ability to effectively treat chronic pain conditions and alleviate body aches and discomfort, chiropractic is also an optimal treatment approach for individuals seeking to improve their health and wellness. Improved health and wellness also translate to better sleep. Through the correction of misalignments in the spine and structural problems throughout the body, chiropractic care can correct the nervous system’s functioning, which supercharges the immune system, improves blood flow, and reduces inflammation, all of which can yield excellent results for sleep and sleep quality.