Woman getting a chiropractic adjustment

Seeing a chiropractor can provide you with numerous benefits that dramatically improve your physical and emotional well-being, as well as your quality of life. Yet, oftentimes, people think that seeing a chiropractor in Gainesville, FL, is only necessary when something has gone wrong, when other treatments have failed, or when they cannot tolerate the pain any longer. A chiropractor can help treat a variety of maladies and conditions when they occur, but they can also act as an effective preventative measure to help patients avoid something going wrong in the first place.

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, neck pain, or back pain, it’s time to call your Gainesville chiropractor. But our Gainesville chiropractic center can treat more than just pain. Our chiropractic specialists at Tucker Chiropractic can help alleviate headaches and migraines, asthma, digestive issues, and even stress disorders, among other conditions. Here, our chiropractic team discusses the top five signs indicating you need to see a chiropractor. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

You’re In Acute Or Chronic Pain

One of the most common signs that indicate you may need help from a licensed and experienced chiropractor is the presence of physical pain, which is an evolutionary indicator that something is wrong and requires attention. While pain-killing medications and other forms of treatment can provide temporary relief for some individuals, we believe pain should not be covered up without identifying the root cause of the problem. Many of our patients who suffer from pain in their knees, ankles, hands, neck, back, muscles, joints, and ligaments in their bodies benefit from chiropractic care and treatment. When you visit us to treat your acute or chronic pain, we will work with you to identify the source of your pain and subsequently create a customized treatment plan to effectively address the issue.

Your Body Is Out Of Alignment

We move around abruptly, lift heavy things, twist and turn our bodies, and engage in all sorts of physical activities our bodies are not prepared to handle. Whether it’s due to these activities or other causes, the body can become misaligned. Subluxations or misalignments put stress on the nervous system, which can result in unease. There are numerous conditions that may be associated with subluxations and may result in the development of pain, inflammation, and the inability to function properly or to experience limitations with certain activities. When this occurs, it’s important to address these issues with your chiropractor, as leaving these issues untreated can worsen the underlying condition and cause physical and emotional issues.

You Sit For Long Periods Of Time

If you spend the vast majority of your waking hours sitting behind a desk for school or work, chances are you experience back, neck, and even shoulder pain regularly. It’s also a sign you need to see a chiropractor. Pain resulting from extended periods of sitting is extremely common and among the most frequent problems reported by our patients. When you spend a significant amount of time sitting, it can take a toll on your posture and make you prone to slumping. In this case, poor posture may be the leading cause of your discomfort or pain. Additionally, sitting for extended periods of time puts pressure on the lumbar spine, resulting in compression affecting your lower back. Our chiropractors can help treat this pain, restore your natural range of motion, and provide recommendations to help you avoid sitting-related issues in the future.

You Experience Frequent Headaches

At Tucker Chiropractic, we commonly notice a correlation between headaches, migraines, misalignments in the spine, and misalignments in vertebrae of the neck. In some cases, patients experience referred pain from the originating issue in the lower back. While over-the-counter pain medications and prescription painkillers can offer temporary relief from painful symptoms, chiropractic care can get to the root of the issue for a solution to the pain. Spinal manipulation is effective at treating tension headaches and migraines. When you visit Tucker Chiropractic to treat frequent headaches and migraines, the improvement is almost instantaneous, offering near-immediate pain relief with fewer side effects and greater lasting power than pain medications. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

You Want To Increase Your Cognitive Function

Our brains rely on inputs from our bodies to keep them functioning at peak capacity. If your body, especially your spine, becomes misaligned, it may result in sub-optimal brain function, and you may not even notice the difference. Chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments are effective in improving brain function and, most notably, reducing stress. Some degree of stress is normal, but chronic stress at high levels can result in anxiety, lack of sleep, depression, and physical illness. Your chiropractor can gently adjust your spine in a manner that reduces any muscle tension and improves the function of your nervous system. This will allow you to feel relaxed, less stressed, and more cognitively clear.