woman getting back adjustment

Chiropractic adjustments can effectively resolve pain and physical ailments associated with spine or joint misalignments. Many people find total body wellness and the resolution of specific painful physical conditions thanks to chiropractic care. Chiropractic treatments typically consist of manual adjustments over an extended time. Your chiropractor will determine your treatment plan based on your current condition and what needs to be done to resolve your ailments.

For more information on chiropractic adjustments and how chiropractic care could help you, contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experienced chiropractor in Gainesville, FL, Dr. Tucker!

After Your Initial Chiropractic Adjustment

Despite the common cracks, proper chiropractic care is gentle on your body. How you feel after your initial adjustment is largely based on your physical condition before your appointment. People with muscle stiffness and a limited range of motion will likely feel sore and may also experience tiredness or headaches. If your body was not used to or never moved the way it did during your adjustment, it may take a few days to acclimate and recover. Be sure to stay hydrated, as it helps your muscles recover. The overall feeling should be relief and a reduction in aches and pains. If you experience increased pain or a reduced range of motion, consult your chiropractor immediately.

Throughout Your Chiropractic Treatment Plan

A large part of chiropractic care is continued treatment. Each adjustment will get easier as your body starts to relax and realign. Your chiropractor may assign you stretches or exercises to complete before or in between appointment days. This will not only help the effectiveness of the treatment but will aid in your recovery. After each chiropractic appointment, continue to bring plenty of water and let your chiropractic know if you experience any unusual pain after the adjustments. Contact us to schedule an appointment for comprehensive chiropractic adjustments today!